Alternative musician oblyx releases powerful new song ‘Invincible’


Image credit: Wide Eyed Studios


Inspired by alternative music greats Bowie, Grandaddy, Radiohead, Phillip Glass, and Randy Newman,Oliver Johnson (oblyx)  is known for his cynical or slightly melancholic subject matter in his music. But these few months of quarantine have shown the musician has not been coping with the physical isolation, and the negative impact it was having on his emotional and mental health. ‘Invincible’ has been a breath of relief, in the midst of the negativity and chaos that is taking over the world at this time.

The Bass Camp mention, If one thing, oblyx music is a pure portrayal of mental health and how fragile it truly is. Everyone feels emotionally weary or mentally isolated at one point in this life, some people are just comfortable with expressing their emotions, which is what oblyx does through the music that he creates.  In the same breath, oblyx is showing us how powerful the brain is to overcome distress and recover in his new song.

The music producer adds, “This song is not meant to be interpreted as me (obylx) being invincible, more that ideas can have a lasting effect. If something is worth pursuing then follow that realisation and that idea can become something that will outlive us all” 


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